May 30 is our next planned pup check so we’ll have more information to share then. In the meantime, lots has been going on with the wolves. Check out Ranger Greg’s blog post from May 24. Pups are spending time out of the den, walking, and moving around (on their own and via the mouth’s of their parents). In fact, you might not see them at all in the primary den as the parents have spent time moving the pupsRead more
Posts tagged: #ball
Funny opossum photo
Katy has been going through her photos and came across this one of Galileo which made us both laugh. Annie was terrified when she found Galileo in the ball so the ball now looks like this But, since the opossum got out of the ball just fine, Katy and I think the ball should not be labeled “not for opossum use” but rather “not for Annie use” Read more