Sometimes you walk into the office and this happens: Keepers Jill and Elaina, and volunteers Colet and Tara were all intensely captivated with something acquired from the Animal Department Potluck. It’s a unicorn! Well, a unicorn Magic Eye poster. It now sits up on a shelf in the office, captivating everyone who walks in and glances upon it…not that anyone has even seen it up there amongst the clutter…who knew a Magic Eye poster could blend in so well?Read more
Posts tagged: #colet
Morning Bear Yard Scooping
Sunny, quiet mornings are always the best time, in my opinion, to call in the bears and go scoop poop in the bear yard. This past week, Volunteer Colet and Human Resources Lady, Maureen, put on their grubby sneakers and went in with me. It only takes about an hour to finish scooping and scatter the day’s food around the exhibit. Sometimes, though, we find cool surprises! Meanwhile, in the bear house: Once we’re done scooping and letRead more
Snake Enrichment
On Sunday’s the snake enrichment is to be held. Volunteer Colet is always eager to accomplish this task. After holding this corn snake for awhile she let it crawl on the floor for a bit. Read more