QuikPic: new interns coming

Our spring semester interns arrive later this week. We usually have two students during the spring semester, but we’re lucky to have three starting on January 14. They are all smiles now… we’ll see what happens once we put them to work.Read more

Interns continue to help us out.

Davidson County Community College has a zoo keeper program. We typically get student interns every year. We help train them on what it is like to be an animal keeper.  I received an email from former intern Jill Sharp recently about their Haunted Trail event next week. The students are earmarking the funds they raise to help support the care of the animals at the Museum. YAY FOR OUR INTERNS FOR CONTINUING TO HELP US OUT.    Read more

New Interns are here

Our interns for the semester arrived on Wednesday. Welcome Jillian and Katherine. They go by Jill and Katie which is very confusing since we already have a Jill and Katy in the department. Nickname suggestions are welcomed! We get first year students from the Zoo and Aquarium Science program at Davidson County Community College and we love having the work with us.  Read more

Interns in a month.

We’re one month away from having our new interns here for the spring semester. For the past few years we’ve had a couple Zoo and Aquarium Students from Davidson County Community College completing their intern hours with us. Last spring Jamie and Jessica were here. We’ve even hired a past intern! A couple students from the photo will spend Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays with us from mid-January to mid-April. We’ll introduce them to you in January when they arrive.  Read more