Florian Drinks

I was in Carolina Wildlife the other day checking on the animals and noticed our skunk Florian was awake. He was drinking his water in a most unusual way. He dipped his hands in the water and would bring them back and drink the water that collected on the back of his hand. Reminds me of how Mimi the bear likes to eat her grapes.      Read more

Training A Blue Jay

I used to be in charge of the pigs training, but since I was moved as an inside keeper I became Jaybird’s trainer.  It is Jaybird’s job to be an education animal, you may have read in earlier posts that s/he had on alymaries and jesses. Well… those did not work out too well, it seems that s/he does not like those on at all and we kept finding them in pieces. We finally gave up and decided that JaybirdRead more

Barred Owl Box

We recently added a box to our barred owl exhibit. The exhibits department did a wonderful job making it and with Keeper Janine’s help of drawing the specs. It turned out exactly how we wanted it. It was installed yesterday and today I was checking on all the animals in the afternoon. When I checked on the barred owls, Kerby was perching on it! It took only one day for them to start using it. As you can see itRead more

2015- AAZK Rummage Sale

In years past I have posted about our Rummage Sale that we have for AAZK. This year is no different! The sale will be held Saturday May 23, 2015 from 7am until 11am at the NC Museum of Life and Science Picnic Dome at 433 Murray Ave, Durham NC 27704. If you would like to donate any items for the sale please come to the NC Museum of Life and Science Picnic Dome on Friday May 22 from 5pm toRead more


Poor poor interns, forced to do manual labor. The office floor is probably one of the grossest floors we have in our department. Its not because we don’t clean it, it gets swept and mopped a lot. All of us keepers in one confined space just make for a very dirty floor. I remember when I first started working, the floor was carpeted. It was a grey carpet until I learned by moving a cabinet that a pink hue wasRead more


I think I love making enrichment for the animals more than they like to receive it sometimes! I especially like to do things that are themed or are just really fun to make! Keeper Jill, Interns Jana and Carrie and I colored eggs and made colorful paper mache for the animals! We had A LOT of fun:  Now here are a few pictures of the animals enjoying their enrichment:    Read more