Trash anyone?

Anyone who has been in the animal keeping profession knows that part of the job includes the unfortunate task of pulling trash out of the animal exhibits. On some level it is expected that a random object will occasionally be found in an animal’s enclosure, due to a visitor accidentally dropping something and not being able to recover it (please don’t try to retrieve the item yourself!). However, we have noticed the amount of trash in the exhibits increase significantlyRead more

QuikPost: Pranksters

Once again, this is what happens when you leave your locker open and then leave for the day…   We are definitely a group of pranksters around here. Check out some other posts about the pranks we’ve pulled. /keepers/2011/08/19/come-to-the-dark-side-we-have-cookies/ /keepers/2011/01/12/fun-with-a-fake-sheep/ /keepers/2010/08/22/quik-postphone-messages/ /keepers/2009/06/26/why-you-should-never-go-on-vacation/ OK, this one isn’t a prank, but it’s a darn good post!  /keepers/2008/08/28/summer-breeze-makes-me-feel-fine/    Read more

Just a dream

If you’ve been following the blog for a while, you already know that the animal department has been under a lot of construction for a while now. We’ve added a new extension to the building, gotten our kitchen remodeled, had new flooring installed to part of our hall, and most recently we have installed a large walk-in freezer. Now, I say “most recently” very loosely. Why, you might ask?  Because the freezer parts have actually been here since September ofRead more

What a prize!

If you visit the museum often, you will soon notice the “new” yellow horse trailer sitting at the entrance of the farmyard. The trailer is not new literally, but it is new to us!  And it was actually given to us as a donation after keeper Sarah did lots of searching on line and in the papers. We have never had a trailer of this size, but now that we do it will open up a world of opportunities for usRead more


  We are always on the look out for new and exciting enrichment.  Keeper Marilyn and I are both lemur trainers and work together in Explore the Wild on Wednesdays, so we came up with the idea to make some sort of popsicle for the lemurs. We wanted them to be able to hold the popsicle for the themselves while they ate it. So we froze juice and added green beans, celery, and carrots as the sticks. It didn’t workRead more

QuikPost: Mikey’s desk is clean!!

Being that we are animal keepers, you can probably imagine we spend far more time cleaning our animals’ spaces than we do cleaning our own. At work our space is the Animal Department office, and you can see from the picture below that it is a bit disheveled! However, you also have to keep in mind that there are six of us who share a space that is approximately 10 feet by 18 feet in size! Some of the keepers’Read more