Filou Opossum predicts the winner of Super Bowl XLIX

In past years we have had Henry the Woodchuck and Galileo Opossum pick some winners of the Super Bowl. Sometimes they get them right and of course some of the time they get them wrong. This year, we have Filou Opossum.This year its the New England Patriots against the Seattle Seahawks. I am positive there are a lot of people who are pleased with his decision. Here is the action footageRead more

Another Sad Day in the Animal Department

It is with a heavy heart that I report the loss of our opossum Galileo.  Recently he started to show signs of heavy labored breathing and his appetite had decreased greatly.  We took him to the vet for x-rays on Tuesday October 15, 2013 and found that he had fluid in his chest cavity that was preventing him from breathing properly.  It was determined that he needed to be euthanized.  The final results of the necropsy are still pending, butRead more

Funny opossum photo

Katy has been going through her photos and came across this one of Galileo which made us both laugh. Annie was terrified when she found Galileo in the ball so the ball now looks like this But, since the opossum got out of the ball just fine, Katy and I think the ball should not be labeled “not for opossum use” but rather “not for Annie use”    Read more

Too busy to write

It’s been a crazy and busy week- too much going on to even sit and think. We’ve been paying extra attention to our newest members.  Last week about this time I was out at Our Ancestral Farm with Dr. Cannedy doing a herd check on the alpacas.     My head is still spinning from the week, but I’ll share (what I can remember) from the week: Meetings, some multiple times, with 7 different contractors: 1) the fence company putting upRead more