Dan is doing fine…

… but it looks like he had a run in with a branch and the branch won. Katy noticed that Dan was missing fur and had a cut on his leg earlier this week. It’s a pretty big laceration that needed to be stitched up. Dr. Vanderford came in and took care of things and Dan was back with his family a few hours later.    Read more

New Lemurs

Surprise, our blog is not down nor re-designed. That will happen soon. Instead, let me show you some photos of our new lemurs. All the photos are of the lemurs at the Toledo Zoo. You’ll be able to see the five boys here starting on August 18th- come on by and look for them in the Indoor Viewing area and meet Oliver, Maky, Misa, dan, and Henri.    Read more

QuikPic: Cassandra

Here is a great picture of Cassandra I took in the mid-afternoon recently. It was in the high 70’s and mostly cloudy, but as soon as the clouds parted,  she took full advantage of a great sun bathing spot!Read more

QuikPic: a college memory

When I left home for college (more than 25 years ago) my parents (my mom) had towels made for me with my name on it- one blue and one yellow, each with a script “Sherry” embroidered on it. Old towels never die, they just get re-purposed.  Read more

Cassandra explores the vet room

Ring Tailed Lemur training is going well! Here’s where we were last time Lemurs in Crates. Last week with  guidance from Julie Grimes and assistance from our Vet Keeper Katy, I let Cassandra, our female ring tailed lemur, out in the vet room. The idea was to let her out of her crate into a vet room cage. This is where she will spend a little time on the day of her physical. In training terms we are desensitizing herRead more

Training Progress

I posted in March about my progress training the Ring Tailed Lemurs. At that point they were staying in their crate for about 4 minutes on average. I’ve worked up to about 10 minutes, including taking them right outside of the lemur house. Yay! But here is where it gets tricky- we spoke with our vet about giving them one or two treats the morning of their physicals. Since the lemurs have to be sedated, she does not want themRead more