Soon to be destroyed

Enrichment around here comes in all forms. Owls get goldfish, bears get trees stumps, jaybird gets corn husk, and so forth.  Every now and then we make fake sheep for the wolves. I thought Keeper Sarah’s fake sheep were particularly cute one afternoon and wanted to share with everyone.     It is Wolf Awareness Week- October 16th-22nd. Join us at our 2pm Meet the Keeper program everyday at Wolf Overlook!Read more

Sheep and Waffles

It’s time to say goodbye to our wonderful interns, Casey and Jessica.  They have worked as keepers, with us, 3 days a week for 4 months- we will miss them!  Casey and Jessica are in the Zoo and Aquarium Science Program at Davidson County Community College. On top of working and classes, the interns had to present an enrichment project.  They choose to create a teepee tree for the lemurs.  The goal of their creation was to increase social interactionRead more

Creature Feature: Wilco the Florida Gulf Coast Sheep

Wilco is one of five sheep living in our farmyard. She is the easiest sheep to identify because she is the smallest and has a black spot on her nose. Of our five sheep, there are two mothers, two daughters (one to each mother) and a male (whom is not related to, nor the father of, the other sheep). Wilco is one of our mothers. Surprisingly enough, both of the mother sheep are significantly smaller than their daughters! Wilco wasRead more