Ursula Update

Ursula, our almost 21 year old American black bear, has had some lameness in her rear legs for awhile now.   Last week she seemed a bit gimpier. We pulled her off exhibit so we could medicate her and further evaluate her condition. We’ll keep you posted as things progress. Please send good vibes her way.Read more

Photos of Erin

Erin was in the office yesterday eating leftover cake from Kristen’s Baby Shower and got some frosting on her chin. It reminded me of other amusing photos I had of Erin so I thought I’d share. The end-of-year animal department potluck features a grab-bag of presents. Some people think some of the items wrapped are not worth keeping (shocking, I know). I wrapped up a surplus saddle from one of the horses in the Play to Learn exhibit area andRead more

Yona meets the other bears

Things have gone pretty well with Yona meeting the other bears. (Remember, black bears are solitary by nature). Here’s the quick version, but come to any 2:00 Meet The Keeper program and you can talk to the Keepers first hand about what happened. Sunday late afternoon we let Yona and Gus together in the house. It was fairly uneventful so we let Virginia and Mimi in too. Gus and Yona did some gentle play wrestling. After about an hour, weRead more

Why The Difficulties for Yona (and the others)

Yes, it’s true, no photos yet. I’m still in bed, but wanted to follow-up to my last post. I hope that people “get” what’s going on for Yona and the other bears. I assume some people would think Yona would be thrilled and the other bears would welcome her with open arms. Some elaboration to explain what’s going on. Yona grew up being bottle fed by the same person and then living in the same exhibit at ABR with otherRead more

(Me) Sink or (Bear) Swim…

I am heading to a fancy wedding. I never get dressed up. I typically look like this. (actually, not usually even this good). I was looking for other photos of me to share with you so you could get the idea. (Those of you who know me need not see any photos to get the idea). While looking for photos, however, I came across this video of Ursula swimming and decided you would be much more interested in seeing thisRead more