I’m not sure I can continue to use this header, but for now, it seemed appropriate: This past June, I said goodbye to my flip phone, and entered the modern era of Smart phones. You first learned of this in my Christmas 2016 post. This past October, I not only got a video of Florian, but was able to send it to the Keepers. It was the first time anyone had seen Florian climbing, or walking on his platforms andRead more
Posts tagged: #video
What you missed while we’ve been gone
A lot has happened during the 11 months we’ve been gone from blogging. I’ll be making several posts regarding some items to share with you from 2016. To start of with, in September we received some funding that allowed us to expand the alpaca yard. (in August 2015 we were able to grow it a little, but this time we added much more space). In less than one week, a few trees came down, the fence was moved back, mulchRead more
Who Makes That Sound? –Answer
Believe it or not, this sound clip is of our bears! Yona is the whiny voice you hear first, and Mimi is the one yelling at her towards the end. It was rather like this photo, but with Yona on the left, rather than Gus. Yona starts arguments with the other bears fairly regularly, but don’t worry too much about it, their spats are nearly always vocal and very seldom end in any physical contact. Mimi “wins” most arguments with theRead more
Who Makes that Sound?
Post your answers in the comments section (Keepers, no helping!!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c95R009flWk&feature=youtu.be Click here for the answer!Read more
Backyard bears
Not our bears, but check out this mama bear and her 5 cubs (yes- 5!). Click here, or go to the link below. http://ipad.aol.com/article/2015/08/21/family-finds-6-bears-bathing-in-their-backyard-pool/21225863/ Read more
Katy goes sledding
Happy Spring. We’re about 1 month out from the big snow and ice events in February. Here’s what Katy and I did after we got the gator stuck in the ice/snow. (Actually, to be honest, it was me that got the vehicle stuck). [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arP4kJOvEME&w=560&h=315]Read more