Memorial Day Weekend Activities

What could one do this Memorial Day Weekend? Hum…. so many choices, the best one being safe and staying well. At the Museum here’s a few things on my list: Go for a drive. Spend time with friends, outdoors. As they finished cutting, the skies opened up. Rain and a bit of thunder made for an awfully wet hauling off of limbs. (Remember, we’re not letting brush piles sit around anymore of fear we get guests) Maybe even a boatRead more

What’s Behind the Locker Room Door…

I’m thinking of creating a recurring post titled “WHAT’S BEHIND THE DOOR?” This will be my third post about surprises I have found on other sides of doors. What do you think? Good idea? (post #1, here, and post #2, here).   Anyway, I opened up our Locker Room Door and found this:  Read more