
So we’ve been at this blogging thing since October of 2007, and we decided that it’s time for a change in the way we look. Just think of it as reader enrichment.

Our new look will have a picture bar across the top just like the excellent blog of Ranger Greg Dodge. So go check out the bar and read up on his posts while you’re there. What we are trying to decide is what our categories should be. We’ve been brainstorming, and we’ve come up with two different sets of options and would really like the input of those who use it the most, you readers.

So here’s what we’ve got. We could do a “kind of posts we write” theme that would include picture buttons for:

  • Enrichment
  • People
  • Behind-the-scenes
  • Health/Vet
  • Videos
  • Exhibits
  • Hilarity
  • Education

The other theme we thought of would be an “elements of being a keeper” that would have buttons like:

  • Cleaning
  • Diet
  • Enrichment
  • Conditioning
  • Maintenance
  • Blogging
  • Hilarity

Which ones seem most appealing to you? Which ones would you use the most to explore our blog? Can you think of another one that you would like to see? Please let us know!

5 responses to Makeover!

  1. Jessica says:

    I really like how "Hilarity" is guaranteed to be included. I'm most interested in behind-the-scenes, enrichment, exhibits, and of course, hilarity. I've enjoyed the recent posts about Yona and Nimbus.

  2. also, "enrichment" is a must, as are photos/videos. I like the first list better, as it seems consistent with how I think of the blog.

  3. eb says:

    I also like the first list best. And also glad to see that hilarity is represented either way.

  4. Clay says:

    Other "grouping strategies" could include by animal for a pull down menu, an option of patrons interaction with the animals around the museum to promote people to come in as much as follow the blog (although that sounds like the exhibits area), and education facts on specific animals such as their names, but also diet, habits, lifespan, hair/fur/skin type, etc. I think hilarity and behind the scenes do seem to be the most capable of driving unique (new) traffic. Can beck run a program that tracks where people go on the blog for a period of time and then expand on those areas as bases?

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