You look awfully familiar, have I seen you here before?

Resident web geek Beck, here, welcoming you to our new home. Let me show you around.

To your left, you’ll see some gray icons. They relate to the ones in the navigation bar above, which are based on the new way we’re categorizing posts on the blog. If you hover over the icon for a couple seconds, you’ll see a tooltip that tells you what category the icon represents. If you click on it, you’ll see other posts in that category.

Under the icons, there’s a picture of the author and his or her name. If you click on the author’s name, you’ll see all the posts from that author.

Under the date and bio, you’ll see a list of tags. If you click on a tag, you’ll see all the posts that share that tag. Tags are a convenient way to explore the blog when you’re wanting to read more about something that our icon categories don’t represent.

To your right, there’s a comment box and perhaps (by the time you read this) comments. You don’t have to login to comment (though you can if you’d like) and if you see comments in orange, it means that a keeper/blogger has responded. Your comments will appear in gray.

Don’t forget about the search box in the top right of the page. That’ll help you find posts like Summer breeze, makes me feel fine… a post that may prove helpful if you’re wondering about the origins of our hilarity icon.

Please excuse our mess, we’ll likely be cleaning up post categories and rogue video embed code for the next little while. If you spot something awry, help us out by leaving a comment on the offending page.

We hope you feel at home here in no time and welcome your feedback and ideas.  As my very favorite web geek says, “See you in cyberspace.”

p/s. If you subscribe to our blog with RSS and your reader didn’t pick up this post, please resubscribe using this RSS feed.

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