New Year’s Resolutions- 2012!

Hello, former Animal Keeper Kristen here! Here’s the quick catch up: my daughter Libby is 8 months old (already!) and I’m having a wonderful, challenging, lovely life being a mom. I’m a regular Animal Department blog reader, and Libby and I are frequent visitors to the Museum. We meet up with Sherry, and whoever else wants to join, for lunch a few times a month, and we occasionally crash Thursday group lunch.

When Sherry asked me to keep with tradition ( 2011, 2010, 2009) and write some New Year’s Resolutions for the blog, I said I’d love to!  Of course, I’m not quite in touch with the Animal Department’s goals for 2012, so I thought I’d share some of my own personal resolutions, as illustrated by the Museum animals!

Thanks to the keepers for sharing photos, and to Sherry for inviting me back to the blog! Happy New Year and see you around the Museum!



New Year’s Resolutions 2012:

1.  Get back into pre-baby shape with a daily exercise routine.










  1. Introduce Libby to all kinds of wholesome and varied foods.


3.  And teach her polite table manners!


  1. Start learning about area schools.


5.  Find a playgroup with kids her own age.



6.  Savor moments from each day- babies grow so fast!

baby Max

baby Virginia


baby Scout