Farewell Mikey

Blog readers all over the world are in mourning because Mikey will be leaving the Museum. Maybe with enough comments we can convince him to stay on board as a guest blogger. 🙂

Mikey is heading to Greensboro to more intensely pursue his Master’s degree. He’s been taking one class each semester, which would put him on track for completion somewhere around 2020- a bit longer than desired.  We’ll miss his sense of humor, his big smile, his passion for reptiles, and his BLOG POSTS more than anything else. Below are some of my favorite posts he’s written.

Please wish him well in his future endeavors!


/keepers/2011/05/29/every-day-is-a-walk-in-the-park/.  (THIS ONE IS MY ALL-TIME FAVORITE)









6 responses to Farewell Mikey

  1. Ranger Greg says:

    It is indeed a sad day, Mikey’s last day here at the Museum.
    We will miss you, but I get the feeling that we’ll be hearing from you again.
    Good luck!!

  2. Thanks for the tour you gave us (ScienceOnline) back in January – it was a great tour! I’m sad I won’t get to see you ’round the Museum (and the bears!!). Good luck!

  3. Mikey says:

    Thanks for all the well wishes everyone! Sorry for the delayed reply- moving is always stinky, but I finally got my internet hooked up again! 🙂

    I’ll definitely miss all the fun I had everyday, playing with the animals and other staff. And I’ll REALLY miss writing on the blog- I enjoyed thinking up fun topics and always reading your great comments!

    Thank you everyone who made my time at the museum such a worthwhile and memorable event, I’ll miss it and you guys tons. But have no fear, I’ll be around – us Superheros are good like that! 🙂

    See you soon!

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