New Year’s Resolutions 2013

Hey there!  It’s former Animal Keeper Kristen, back on the blog to talk New Year’s Resolutions.  Well, I actually haven’t made time yet to reflect on the past year and set some goals for 2013  ( I’ve looked to the museum animals for inspiration in years past: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012), so I suppose I’ll be working on that the next few days.  But I thought I’d throw out a little challenge for you– and for me.  I visit the museum at least weekly with my 20 month old,  and so I’d like you to leave a comment with one of your resolutions for the upcoming year, and over the next few weeks (months?) I’ll attempt to capture a photo of one of the museum animals “illustrating” that resolution!  Could be challenging, and I may need to enlist some Keeper help!

Oh, I do know one goal I’d like to meet in the New Year:  learn how to knit.  It’s something that’s been on my list for a few years– in fact, I always meant to get former keeper Cassidy to give me a lesson before she moved away, but never got around to it.   I think it’d be fun to make Libby a little toddler sweater.

perhaps a sweater made from alpaca wool??

Anyway, hope you all have a Happy New Year, and I’m looking forward to hear your aspirations for 2013!

3 responses to New Year’s Resolutions 2013

  1. Wendy says:

    Eat more chocolate! (Probably bad for wolves, but is there for any animal (besides people) any benefits to chocolate consumption?

  2. dj says:

    Renewing my museum membership which is a couple months overdue. (The sheep would have said I’m so baaad!)
    Then I plan on getting exercise while looking at the animal exhibits. sailboats, etc etc. Read that the museum animals have also gotten exercise on Loblolly Trail.

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