Concurrent Accession

“Accession” is a word the zoological world uses to mean, “adding to.” It’s the term applied to newly acquired individuals to a museum/zoo/aquarium’s collection. We don’t have a large turnover in our collection at the museum. Every year we lose some animals due to old age, health problems, or transfers to other institutions and we gain a couple, but our collection stays at about the same number.

Because we don’t take in new animals very often, I found it interesting to learn that the animal keepers here each have a sort of “buddy animal” that joined the animal department at roughly the same time they did.

Sherry Ursula
Sherry and Ursula (Fall 1991)
Kent American Robin
Kent (Summer 1996) and 2 American Robins (Winter 1997)
Marilyn Chummix
Marilyn and Chummix (Fall 2003)
Katy Virginia
Katy and Virginia (Spring 2005)
Jill Scout
Jill and Scout (Fall 2005)
Sarah Robin Owl
Me and Robin Owl (Summer 2010)
Kimberly Ladybelle
Kimberly and Ladybelle (Fall 2010)
Aaron Jaybird
Aaron and Jaybird (Spring 2011)
Jessi Pines
Jessi and the baby Pine Snakes (Summer 2012)

5 responses to Concurrent Accession

  1. Sherry Samuels says:

    I love this post Sarah!
    FYI- Ursula and I arrived at the Museum in the Fall 1991.

  2. Kimberly says:

    Great post, I love that Marilyn looks like she’s about to attack Chummix

  3. Laura H says:

    2013 for me is about enjoying the ‘moment’ whether that moment is truly a moment or a whole day long; “smell the roses” so-to-speak.

  4. Marilyn Johnson says:

    Very cool Sarah! I’m really pleased that my buddy animal is Chummix because I really love that goat and I enjoyed being his trainer.

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