Goodbye to Jessi

It’s a bittersweet day as Jessi is moving on from the Museum. She starts working at the NC Zoo next week in the Northwoods section taking care of bears and wolves and bison and elk. We’ll miss her a lot but are really excited for her. There are two good things I can think of: Autumn made brownies 2.  Starting Monday, Intern Katie will be working with us. She’ll be part time until she finishes up her classes. We’re thrilledRead more

Superworms need enrichment too!

One night I was closing Carolina Wildlife and I was checking on all the animals.  I started to walk past the superworms when I saw that they had a structure in their container. Our crickets, superworms and mealworms all get a regular diet just like our other animals do.  But, if we have food scrapes that none of the other animals would want, then we give it to the feeder animals (which are animals that end up being a mealRead more

Quick Pic…Red Wolf

I took this picture of our female red wolf one afternoon.  This is new behavior our female is displaying.  When we first introduced her to the exhibit, she sat or laid behind the den.  Now, she is laying on top of the den for all to see.  Read more

AAZK Conference

This post is long over due, but like most aspects of life things come up.  In September, Autumn and I went to the AAZK conference in Florida at Disneyworld. Yes, I said Disneyworld!  We were both very excited to not only go to the conference but also to experience everything that Disneyworld has to offer.  The AAZK (American Association of Zookeepers) conference provides keepers from all over the country to come together and share information on the various tasks that makeup theRead more

Bear aggression

  This time of year the bears are getting more and more hungry.  We are getting closer to fall and for bears that means that it is time to pack on weight for winter.  The bear diet changes throughout the year to accommodate their dietary needs.  Those changes in the diet occur because of the behaviors that we observe from the bears.  When the bears get hungry, they display aggressive behaviors towards each other.  These behaviors include vocalizing, stomping, jawRead more

On top of the world…well the hide structure actually…

All of the animals at the museum get enrichment…here are few posts about enrichment.  There are many times where we make awesome enrichment that we think the animals will enjoy but it turns out they are uninterested.  Then there are the times when they are interested in the enrichment which means picture time. In the picture below, one of our Box Turtles is enriching himself despite us providing different types of enrichment.   As long as they are interacting with theirRead more