Lemur Tracking Drill

We recently had a Lemur Tracking Drill. Sherry informed us that two “lemurs” were hidden around campus and we had an hour to find them. Off we went…

Me, Sarah, Kent, and Aaron begin Lemur tracking
Sarah picking up a strong signal behind the Donkey/Goat yard
Aaron went into the woods between alpaca and pigs to see what he could pick up on his tracker
Duck was curious about Aaron in the woods
As was Max

We then decided to go out to the parking lot since our signal was pointing us in that direction.

Quickly there after,  we found the first lemur in a tree.

The first lemur was found in a tree

After feeling successful about finding the first lemur so quickly we decided to split up at the boardwalk. Sarah and I headed to Explore the Wild and Aaron and Kent headed to Catch the Wind. Shortly there after,  the guys radioed us to meet them at the Into the Mist exhibit. Kent had spotted the second lemur on top of an umbrella!

With both lemurs found we headed back to the building

Successful Tracking

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