Happy almost New Year

Today is Dr. Vanderford’s birthday.  Happy Birthday Deb!

It’s also the day I start to miss Kristen and her New Year’s Resolutions Blog posts. (You hear about Libby, Kristen’s oldest daughter every now and again. Yup, I said oldest daughter since Kate was just born 3 weeks ago).

Given that 2015 is just a day away, I thought I would share links to Kristen’s New Year’s Resolutions from past years. Enjoy!

New Years Resolutions 2012

New Years Resolutions 2011

New Years Resolutions 2010

New Years Resolutions 2009


1 response to Happy almost New Year

  1. dj says:

    Happy Birthday Dr Vanderford and thank you for all you do for the Museum’s animals. Also was hoping Kristen would write another New Year’s Resolution blog until I read her newest baby is three weeks old. Congratulations!!! Maybe the museum animals need to write their own resolutions to Kristen this year!! Thank you !!!!

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