Spotlight: Dr. Allen Cannedy

We’re fortunate to have several veterinarians helping us care for our animals. One of our veterinary specialists is Dr. Allen Cannedy. He is what’s called a “large animal veterinarian”. These are the vets who see domestic farmyard animals, like pigs and cattle. Dr. C comes when one of our Farmyard mammals needs care. He comes to check on them at least twice/year, but is usually here more often.

We’ve been working with Dr. Cannedy for about 10 years. He comes for the goats, sheep, donkey, pig, and cattle’s annual physical. He checks on each of them, giving them their needed vaccines and hoof trimming. He spent a lot of time working with Moo, our dear-departed steer, who would really run away when he caught sight of Dr. C (it was kind of funny to watch. Moo did not like getting his shots and had definitely learned that Dr. C was the one who gave the shots). Most recently, Dr. C has been out a bunch to check on our new calf and also one of our ewes who has an infection in her udder. He’ll be back again tomorrow to check on both of them again. You can see him in the photo below “floating” Lightning’s, the donkey, teeth. Floating is a term used for teeth trimming.

It’s much easier on the animals to have the veterinarian come visit them. Dr. C comes in an incredibly specialized pick-up truck that has just about everything you could imagine. He’s even done ultrasounds and x-rays on grounds. It’s hard enough to make time to get to the Dr., but could you imagine trying to pack up Lightning to go to the dentist?!?

4 responses to Spotlight: Dr. Allen Cannedy

  1. Jeff Stern says:

    I like the spotlight on the vets, and the great pictures. I think that when Lightning is introduced, his/her identity should also be included, as it was above with “Moo, our steer…”

  2. Shawntel says:

    Thanks Sherry! It is really interesting to read about the outside professionals who work with our staff to care for the animals. The pictures are great too!

  3. This is a terrific post. I’d LOVE to see more of Dr. C in action. I’d especially love to see a short video of him showing us his specialized truck. That would be VERY cool. Do you think he’d be interested?

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