Work in the cattle yard has just about finished. All that is left (hopefully) is tweaking. Posts were set for our chute in early July. Two weeks ago the concrete pad got poured. The Facilities Team, along with Exhibits’ and Landscape Staff have been working hard getting the work done. We’ve started to get Dusty and Dallas familiar with the area. Operant Conditioning will be used to train them to walk through the chute and stop at (in) the headRead more
Posts tagged: #Daniel
Spotlight: Daniel Bjorklund
Meet Daniel Bjorklund. He works in the Museum’s Facilities Department. (Prior to that he was an animal keeper and prior to that he worked in the Facilities Department). It’s really helpful to have someone know a lot about the world of the animal department from first hand experience working in our “fix it” department. We need help from other staff all the time. Daniel has fixed and replaced the wolf pool pump and float more than once. He is likeRead more
Goodbye and Good-riddance to Andrea
Friday was a doozie of a day. Tropical Storm Andrea made for quite the adventure. Jessi and Aaron started checking on all the animals and fences at 7:00. I received a call from them at 7:15 saying trees were down on the bear fence on the cliff- so much so that the bears could climb out. I came in. Jessi and Aaron had confirmed all the bears, and all the animals at the museum were where they were supposed toRead more
What happened there…
I asked yesterday if you could guess What Happened Here. I sooooooooooooooooooo wish what happened is what Kristen described in the comment section of What Happened Here, but the story goes like so: I’m sitting at my desk and I hear some chatter in the hall then Kimberly yells for me to come to the Exam Room. It’s maybe 20 feet from where I am to get there and I find Katy lying on the floor. I notice quickly she has theRead more