QuikPics: Dashboard Cookies

Most everyone has heard the adage, “it’s so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk!” or some variation of it. I wondered, similarly, if it would be possible to bake cookies on the dashboard of my car on a 100+ degree day. This is a science museum, after all! Words of caution: I cannot speak to the safety of eating cookies that baked in a car for nearly 10 hours. There are eggs and other ingredients in cookieRead more

Brr…it’s cold outside!

Word has it (thanks for the tip Mike Williams) that a lot of people are wondering how we keep our animals safe and warm in the winter. The answer is different for each animal. If you have been in the farmyard this winter you may have seen the goats in coats or even Lightning, the donkey, in a coat. You may have also seen red ominous glowing coming from the stalls. These are heat lamps set up to add extraRead more

Keeping the animals warm

Well, the cold weather is officially here! I took some pictures of a couple of the new things we have done this season to help keep our farmyard animals warm. To the right you can see pig stretched out under his warm heat lamp in the stall where he sleeps at night. Also, you may recall a post about Nimbus‘s new winter box that we were building. We finished it weeks ago and it is complete with insulated walls andRead more

Anyone feel hot out here?

Is it just me or did we skip right over the 80 degree days and go directly to 90 and 100 degree days? It has been sweltering hot lately and, like anyone else who works outside, it is really important to stay cool and hydrated. For the keepers (as well as our volunteers), this means keeping coolers of ice water around and making sure to stay in shady areas whenever possible. A lot of the work we do is prettyRead more