Who did that come from?

In my last blog I told you guys I was going to focus on poop. I try not to break my promises. So can anyone identify this lovely specimen? Remember, this is not restricted to the farmyard so there are a lot of possibilities. I would also like to add that I found this poop sitting up straight and I was impressed.Read more


“Ewwwwwwww!” That is one of the most popular words I hear being shouted by children as they watch one of the farmyard animals defecate. But, hey…. we all “do” it. There is that popular book entitled Everyone Poops (that just so happens to be sold in our gift shop) that explains how everyone and everything capable can and will poop. Poop, can actually be an animal keepers best friend. Now, I don’t go to the movies with a scoop ofRead more

Big Word of the Month: Fimicolous

My wife Sandy, also a lover of big science words, passed along this month’s feature. Fimicolous is an adjective formed from Latin roots that mean “to inhabit dung” and is used to describe organisms that live in, on, and with animal waste. As animal keepers we spend a lot of time dealing with poop and you might be amazed at all the living things that utilize poop. Perhaps most famous are the dung beetles, a group of scarab beetles thatRead more


We have been dealing with a lot of watermelons in the animal department lately. They are truly multipurpose berries. They are great food for bears and a great way to welcome back a coworker from vacation. Sherry and I noticed some evidence of watermelon consumption in the bear house the other day. The bears obviously coordinated their defecations in order to teach us a lesson about how plant pigments are processed in the digestive tract.Read more

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine . . .

Those who know me know that I’m not a big believer in signs and omens. However, I was greeted with this site on a recent morning upon entering the yard of Max the Steer. I thought maybe this was a warning about something bad, but in reality it never hit the fan and the day was uneventful. If you are not sure what you are looking at, this is the fence around the steer/goat yard and the large cooling fanRead more