Today’s vet checks

We had a really busy, but successful morning with Dr. Vanderford today for Vet Rounds. The muskrat and all three salamanders received their physicals, and Mocha and Latte, our education rabbits, had their teeth checked and trimmed. The muskrat and rabbits were sedated for their checks, while the salamanders were wide awake for their work. Everyone is up and awake and back to their homes and I will spend the rest of the afternoon cleaning up 🙂Read more

Last week’s vet visit

Dr. Vanderford was here last week for a visit to check on some of the critters. We had two sedations planned for the day: Henry and Cynthia.   Cynthia needed a couple bad teeth removed. She did great under sedation- staying asleep when we wanted and waking when we wanted.   Henry, on the other hand, was a different story. First of all, it’s difficult to hold him- at least it is not safe to hold him as you neverRead more