Land purchase completes Alligator river preservation!

Just a quick note about a small story with big implications for some species that live at the Museum. The recent purchase of about 5000 acres along the Alligator River in eastern North Carolina means that the entire shoreline of this important habitat is now protected. Alligator River is the only river in North Carolina with this type of total protection. Since 1984 Federal, State and private organizations like the Nature Conservancy have pieced together over 250,000 acres to form the Alligator River and Pocosin Lakes Nature Wildlife refuges.

The refuge lands are critical habitat for black bears like those at the museum and are home to the only wild population of red wolves in North America. Keeper Marilyn has just written several posts about the history of red wolves. You can start reading here.

You can find more information about the purchase and pictures of the area at the News and Observer.

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