You may have read a post last week, or possibly heard about it on twitter, that our female red wolf (#1227) had surgery to remove a large mass from her chest. That was last Monday, and now we have a terrific video of the surgery to share with you! The video has been broken down into three 2-minute parts, which will be posted over the next three days (Tuesday through Thursday). The surgery was a great success, and the mass was sent off for testing so that we can learn exactly what it was and whether it was malignant. We hope you enjoy this rare inside look at a surgery being performed on one of the rarest species in the world!
Above is part 1 of the video. For tomorrow’s post, which will feature part 2, you can learn more about red wolf #1227. The pathology results will be back and we’ll be able to post those on Thursday with the last part of the video.