The weather could have been worse for sure, and we didn’t lose power, but I am a bit tired from the day. I was up way too early, and got to the Museum around 5 this morning. It was just me as it turns out, and had I been prepared for it to be “Christmas” things would have been better.
Thank goodness it was dark, because I am sure I looked silly in my long black gloves, brown hip waders, head lamp over my snow hat under my brimmed sun hat…
All our service vehicles were covered up for the night so I went out on foot. All the critters were fine as were all the fences so that’s really all that matters.

I worked indoors for awhile, and then once light I took off for the outside again to actually work. I had no vehicle to load my supplies on and I could not carry everything I needed. I remembered we have a rolling duffle bag so I loaded that up with everything (although sadly it was not everything. On a positive note I was worried I would spill the gross wolf food liquid throughout the bag but I did not).
The ground was surprisingly not slick: it’s like the freezing rain on top of the layer of snow was textured and helped me grip the ground. My duffle rolled on top reasonably and I didn’t slip once.
I would say the alpacas seemed to me to be the cheeriest of the group. I let the pigs out to wander, who seemed fine too, but walked very delicately. Max and Lightning had definitely spent time outside overnight as each had icicles on them (which were gone by the afternoon).
In Explore the Wild things were in good shape. No trees were bent since the snow and ice were not that heavy. Yona and Virginia were sleeping on the Cliff. Gus doing the same in the Cave, and Mimi was in the house snoozing. I tossed the bear food into the snowy yard. I feel quite confident that the birds got the bear food today as I would bet money the bears spent the day sleeping.
Lemurs and wolves were fine too.
We’ll start over tomorrow and begin prepping for super cold temps on Thursday and Friday.