It’s been a busy few weeks

I’ve been too busy to write. Medical needs for animals; preparing for bad weather; and just too much work.

As far as today, we made it though Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias without any major issues, thank goodness. Even in the dark hours early this morning, as the rain stopped by 5 AM, we could see fences intact and nothing major to repair or tend to. It was a much different tour of grounds tonight than last night.

Charlie lounging in his yard.
The radiated tortoises, who were locked inside last night due to the storm, were trucking around their yard like speed-racers!
Sarah, from our Development Team was in by 7:30 this morning to help the team get the Farmyard ready for opening.

We’ve had a bunch of medical issues to tend to. Fortunately, Yona, our youngest black bear, is no longer limping. Bill goat is having a recurrence of his dry flaky skin. The toad, who I mentioned a couple weeks ago is finally improving. Check out these photos of our animals and veterinarians.

Dr. Cannedy was out over the weekend with his students to check on Bill Goat and take blood. He’ll actually be back in the morning as well (after Rob and I give Bill a bath with special shampoo)
Dr. Vandeford, with Mary assisting, gives Yellow rat snake a clean bill of health. We had been waiting for her to shed to assess her skin.

Remember Bufo, our marine toad… Bufo is recovering from an abscess. Check out the two photos. The first of the photos shows a small but very raw and active wound. The second shows a beautifully healing wound that is difficult to see.

It’s been awhile since posting, and also reminding myself- and others – about the importance of staying safe in times of CoVid. Like others, I am tired of wearing a mask, but I am happy to do it for me, my family, my human and non-human team members, and those I don’t even know. It’s also been awhile since I’ve shared a random item that made me smile. Check out the photo below of Paige’s amazing dish stacking abilities.

I couldn’t have done this if you paid me to! I barely stay dry while doing dishes. Actually, to be honest, the floor and my body are soaking wet when I wash dishes. Way to go Paige!

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