Fall herd check with Dr. Cannedy

Dr. Cannedy was here on Tuesday checking on the goats, alpaca, and cattle. The primary focus of this visit is to make sure the critters are in good shape going into winter. Some animals get food added, but it is rare that we ever decrease food going into winter. This year, everyone’s diet remained the same. In addition to getting dewormed, everyone was checked head to toe. (Teeth, hooves, coat condition, eyes, etc.). The alpacas get a BCS (body conditionRead more

Broken Record

Confused? Let me help. I sound like a broken record… it’s just (I’m just) too busy. Awfully long days tending to regular tasks and animal issues. Animal Care doesn’t diminish because there are less people visiting the Museum and animals don’t sign-up for “today is my day to be ill”. Last week I spent one day communicating with five different veterinarians about three different critical issues and several other items to tend to. All our “sickies” are on the mend,Read more

It’s been a busy few weeks

I’ve been too busy to write. Medical needs for animals; preparing for bad weather; and just too much work. As far as today, we made it though Hurricane/Tropical Storm Isaias without any major issues, thank goodness. Even in the dark hours early this morning, as the rain stopped by 5 AM, we could see fences intact and nothing major to repair or tend to. It was a much different tour of grounds tonight than last night. We’ve had a bunchRead more

Cattle Chute in action

Check out our summer project (cattle head gate and chute) in action: A big thanks to the 20 or so people who worked on this cattle chute and head gate to get it functional. We can now make sure Dallas, Dusty, and our veterinarians are as safe as possible when check-ups and certain treatments are needed.    Read more

Max’s Medication

A couple of weeks ago Max, the steer, wasn’t feeling very well. He had some loose stool, a runny nose and wasn’t as interested in his food as normal. We had Dr. Cannedy come out to look at him to find out what was wrong. Dr. Cannedy came out and gave Max some medication to help with his stool quality as well as medication to help with the other symptoms. One of the issues was Max had an intestinal parasite.Read more