In Memory of Beaker

A while back Marilyn did a post about our off-exhibit opossum, Beaker. Beaker can also be seen enthusiastically eating a pumpkin as part of the pumpkin montage. Sadly, Beaker was an old opossum (he was 3, which is about as old as they get in captivity), and on Sunday when our vet was here he had a seizure and had to be euthanized. He had been showing signs of going downhill for that last couple of months, so while thisRead more

Chinchilla Chillin’

As you well know by now, Nimbus the super adorable rabbit has been living in the building instead of the farmyard where she’s usually found. She’s still doing ok, she has good days and bad days, but she’s eating well and gets extra love and attention since she hangs out where we are for a lot of the day. Her being in the building has also given her the chance to make some new friends with some of our animalsRead more

How to catch a stuffed lemur

If you’ve seen our lemurs up in Explore the Wild, you might have noticed that they have collars on their necks. Here’s a good picture of Lycus the Ring Tailed lemur where you can clearly see his collar: Our Red Ruffed lemurs have them too, and both species wear them all the time. We put these collars on our lemurs for the same reason you put a collar on your dog: to help us get them back if they escape.Read more


So we’ve been at this blogging thing since October of 2007, and we decided that it’s time for a change in the way we look. Just think of it as reader enrichment. Our new look will have a picture bar across the top just like the excellent blog of Ranger Greg Dodge. So go check out the bar and read up on his posts while you’re there. What we are trying to decide is what our categories should be. We’veRead more

Nimbus might really love to throw things

Or she really hates fake carrots. I have been so super excited to write this post. Way back in September (back when it was warm, I can’t even remember what that feels like) I did a very scientific experiment exploring the claim given by a certain rabbit toy that said, “Rabbits love to throw things”. I was skeptical, and rightly so! If you haven’t seen that video then go back and bring yourself up to speed because this post won’tRead more