Libby & Marilyn bond.

Take a look at what happened when Kristen came to visit a couple months ago Libby is much bigger now, and Marilyn‘s hair has grown in. Marilyn’s hair changes over time: take a look:  here (blonde) and here (blue)  and here it’s long and here (long and blonde!).  Read more

QuikPost: heading out…

I’m leaving  (very early) tomorrow morning to fly to San Diego for this year’s AAZK (American Association of Zoo Keepers) conference. The San Diego Zoo is hosting it this year. The conference lasts 5 days, and 3 days of that is an intense agenda of presentations by zookeepers, curators, conservationists and other renowned individuals in the zoo keeping field from around the world, along with several workshops spanning virtually any topic you could wish to learn about as an animal keeper. I’llRead more

If you could be any animal- which would you be?

I asked my fellow animal keepers this question awhile ago, thinking I’d come up with a funny blog to post. I got a bunch of answers: Kent –  Mottled Rock Snake Sherry-  Eagle Katy-  Elephant Jill-  vegetarian Polar Bear Kristen-  Giraffe Aaron-  Killer Whale Sarah-  Atlantic Puffin Marilyn-  Spectacled Bear Mikey-  Stegosaurus Me-  Clark’s Grebe While all of these are great answers, it wasn’t really as funny as I’d hope it would have been. Insert Interns— As you may haveRead more

Photos of Erin

Erin was in the office yesterday eating leftover cake from Kristen’s Baby Shower and got some frosting on her chin. It reminded me of other amusing photos I had of Erin so I thought I’d share. The end-of-year animal department potluck features a grab-bag of presents. Some people think some of the items wrapped are not worth keeping (shocking, I know). I wrapped up a surplus saddle from one of the horses in the Play to Learn exhibit area andRead more

A Rough Patch :(

It’s been four days and we’ve lost two animals and a keeper (Kristen is not dead, just gone). We had been concerned about our muskrat and last Friday – he was just not behaving right. By Sunday morning it was time to euthanize him. Cher opossum was under treatment for a UTI. She was getting better but yesterday things seemed worse again. After conferring with Dr. Vanderford we extended Cher’s treatment and had a plan to take her in for x-rays if sheRead more