Big Word of the Month: Symbiosis

Many of the animals at the museum live with another animal of a different specie. They might live together because they seem to like each other or because they don’t bother one another and fit the exhibit well (large exhibits with 1 animal are pretty boring if that one animal doesn’t want to be in sight of guests). Some of the animals we have together are a donkey and dwarf goats, a steer and a boer goat, a pine snakeRead more


Another post from our invertebrate specialist, Rachael Knight.  It’s a must read for cicada lovers! When Ranger Greg wrote about the Magicicadas last May, I couldn’t wait to get out to the Eno and experience it for myself.  I was especially intrigued by Robin’s comment:  “…when you pick one up it growls at you!”  The idea of a growling insect was amusing to me, so I grabbed the camera and went out to see if I could capture the phenomenon. Read more

QuikPost: Spring is here

Spring is here and it’s a great time to see the native wildlife awaken. Reptiles we haven’t seen in awhile start to come out. It’s a chance to find some unexpected sights! Ranger Greg’s Blog is awesome, and if you want to see amazing photos of flora and fauna check out his blog. He’s been capturing signs of spring already.Read more

QuikPost: Neighborhood Red Shouldered Hawks

I walked out of my house late this morning and saw mating between two red shouldered hawks that were about 20 feet away from me. It was pretty cool (and loud) and even though I felt badly about interrupting, it reminded me that Spring is in the air and there’s a lot going on with the nature around us at this time of year. Bill Majoros took some AMAZING PHOTOS of red shouldered hawks in Northgate Park. Click here toRead more