Biggest Bummer for Bloggies

I have very sad news for our faithful readers. It is with a heavy heart that I tell you that Larry and Erin will be leaving their jobs at the Museum. They are heading off for wonderful new adventures, which is great for them, but will leave a big void in our animal keeping and blogging world.

I am sure each of them will write farewell posts, I hope each of them will occasionally write a guest post, and  I know each of them will continue to check in and comment on our Blog.

Please share stories or warm wishes in the comment section. We’ll all miss both of them tremendously.

Do you want to know what Erin is about to do?
Larry, with volunteer Annie and Little, our chicken.

6 responses to Biggest Bummer for Bloggies

  1. Erin Brown says:

    Hint: You do not want to know what I’m about to do. If more than 5 non-animal department people ask, then I WILL tell you and there WILL be pictures and you do NOT want pictures.

  2. Erin Brown says:

    Hint: I’m unwrapping a needle, and it’s not for something animal related. And I’m wearing gloves. Enter at your own risk.

  3. Mike Fink says:

    Erin and Larry, I hope your new adventures are great and wonderful. I enjoyed working with both of you and will miss you on my visits.


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