2013 red wolf SSP meeting

The red wolf SSP meeting took place the end of July. About 20 folks from institutions that house red wolves were able to make it to the meeting.  Becky Bartel, the Assistant Coordinator of the Red Wolf Re3cvoery Program wrote a great post on their Blog about the meeting. I highly recommend checking out their blog ( http://trackthepack.blogspot.com)  for information about the red wolf recovery program and the red wolves that roam free in the wild. Our two wolves- 1414Read more

Why I shouldn’t work alone

It’s National Zoo Keeper Week so I gave the Keepers off for the afternoon yesterday. Okay, it’s not as bad as when I work alone on Christmas, but we all know what happens when I am here alone. The Keepers started trickling out for the afternoon around noon. I think I was literally under the leaking fish stream when Katy, Sarah, and Marilyn left. Then, the power went out while I was working on the computer. An explicative or two were said, (I thinkRead more

New Year’s Resolutions- 2012!

Hello, former Animal Keeper Kristen here! Here’s the quick catch up: my daughter Libby is 8 months old (already!) and I’m having a wonderful, challenging, lovely life being a mom. I’m a regular Animal Department blog reader, and Libby and I are frequent visitors to the Museum. We meet up with Sherry, and whoever else wants to join, for lunch a few times a month, and we occasionally crash Thursday group lunch. When Sherry asked me to keep with traditionRead more

Interview with a Groundhog

In honor of Groundhogs Day, I decided to conduct an interview with ours…. Meet Henry, he is an adorable resident of our Carolina Wildlife exhibit. Being that it was his first Groundhogs Day, he was most excited to sit down with me and give me a little interview: Me: Hello Henry! Nice to see you this morning Henry: Hi Jill, likewise and I am very excited about today.It is Groundhogs Day, you know. Me: Of course, but before we begin,Read more

Delusions of Grandeur

I did a search of the Animal Department blog for “turtles” and I have to say, we don’t have very much (except about Zoe). I think some of the other turtles figured this out and decided to do something about it. One of our exhibit water turtles (a painted turtle) decided to garner our attention by trying to convince us of his superpower status with a superhero cape. The off-exhibit box turtles saw how much attention Godzilla got when heRead more